Tag Archives: volatile organic compounds

Thirdhand Smoke: Toxic Airborne Pollutants Linger Long After the Smoke Clears

Berkeley Lab researchers assess health impacts of inhalable constituents of thirdhand tobacco smoke.

Ever walked into a hotel room and smelled old cigarette smoke? While the last smoker may have left the room hours or even days ago, the lingering odors—resulting from noxious residue that clings to walls, carpets, furniture, or dust particles—are thanks to thirdhand smoke. (more…)

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Öl- und Gasfelder fördern ungewöhnliches Winter-Ozon

Fracking und andere technische Fortschritte in der Öl- und Gaserschließung haben es in verschiedenen Gebieten der USA möglich gemacht, bislang nicht oder nicht rentabel nutzbare Öl- und Gasvorkommen zu erschließen. Ein internationales Forscherteam hat ein vermehrtes und ungewöhnliches Auftreten von Ozon-Grenzwertüberschreitungen in diesen Gebieten im Winter unter die Lupe genommen. (more…)

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Gulf Coast Monitor: Sensor Designed to Detect Oil Contaminants in Saltwater

With more than 20,000 abandoned and active gas and oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico, oil leaks and spills pose a continuous threat to the region’s ecosystem. Monitoring the health of the ecosystems helps ensure the sustainability of natural resources, and helps protect human health and the environment.

Researchers at the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) are developing an advanced-warning system to detect the presence of oil in saltwater. The sensor-based system offers the potential for remotely, autonomously and continuously monitoring bodies of water for oil. (more…)

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