Tag Archives: folgen von duerre

Potenzielle Folgen von Dürre frühzeitig erkennen

Forschende entwickeln Prognosesystem und fordern politische Agenda zu diesem Thema

Die extremen Dürren der zurückliegenden Jahre in weiten Gebieten Europas haben gezeigt, dass saisonale Prognosen zu Trockenphasen erforderlich sind. Denn nur dann können rechtzeitig Maßnahmen ergriffen werden, um die negativen Folgen für Ökosysteme, Binnenschifffahrt, Landwirtschaft und Stromerzeugung zu verringern. (more…)

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HIV spreads like internet malware and should be treated earlier

A new model for HIV progression finds that it spreads in a similar way to some computer worms and predicts that early treatment is key to staving off AIDS.

HIV specialists and network security experts at UCL noticed that the spread of HIV through the body using two methods – via the bloodstream and directly between cells – was similar to how some computer worms spread through both the internet and local networks respectively to infect as many computers as possible. They worked together to create a model for this ‘hybrid spreading’, which accurately predicted patients’ progression from HIV to AIDS in a major clinical trial. (more…)

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