Tag Archives: decoding the skies

Decoding the Skies: The Impact of Water Vapor on Afternoon Rainfall

The role of incoming water vapor in rainfall has been a complex area of study, but new research shows water vapor is a vital piece of the puzzle.

The role that atmospheric water vapor plays in weather is complex and not clearly understood. However, University of Arizona researchers have started to tease out the relationship between morning soil moisture and afternoon rainfall under different atmospheric conditions in a new study in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. (more…)

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Größter Brunch Deutschlands: Andreas Hoppe (Tatort-Kommissar Kopper) eröffnet Buffet aus aussortierten Lebensmitteln für 5.000 Menschen. / Gegen Lebensmittelverschwendung: Mit der Aktion sollen 1,5 Tonnen Essen gerettet werden (more…)

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