Tag Archives: biochemical circuits

Control Theory: Mother Nature is an Engineer

Engineering principles developed only 150 years ago were found to have evolved first in biological circuitry that controls cell growth, according to new UA research.

In the last 150 years, engineers have developed and mastered ways to stabilize dynamic systems, without lag or overshoot, using what’s known as control theory. Now, a team of University of Arizona researchers has shown that cells and organisms evolved complex biochemical circuits that follow the principles of control theory, millions of years before the first engineer put pencil to paper. (more…)

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Auf den Spuren verloren geglaubter Handschriften

Zerschnitten und in mittelalterliche Buchumschläge eingearbeitet: das ist das „Schicksal“ vieler wertvoller, jahrhundertealter jüdischer Handschriften aus Pergament. Ursula Schattner-Rieser sucht seit Jahren in Österreich gezielt nach diesen Fragmenten. Nun wurden neue Entdeckungen im Innsbrucker Stift Wilten gemacht. (more…)

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