Tag Archives: andrew grieshop

Benefits of Advanced Wood-Burning Stoves Greater Than Thought

A recent study from North Carolina State University finds that advanced wood-burning stoves designed for use in the developing world can reduce air pollution more than anticipated, because gaseous emissions from traditional wood stoves form more particulate matter in the atmosphere than researchers previously thought. (more…)

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Advanced Biomass Cookstoves Provide Benefits in Field Settings, But Less than Expected from Lab Testing

Researchers from North Carolina State University and the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine have found that while advanced wood-burning cookstoves can provide benefits to the environment and climate, these benefits are less than expected due to higher emissions measured in the field compared to laboratory settings. The study, conducted in rural Malawi, found that pollutant emissions from these stoves were much higher than was reported in laboratory testing, due in part to how the stoves were being used. (more…)

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Klein, blau und süß

Von Juli bis September ist Heidelbeer-Saison

Im Juli beginnt die Heidelbeersaison. Überall sind die kleinen blauen Früchte, denen so viel Gutes nachgesagt wird, zu kaufen.

Entzündungshemmende Vitaminbomben sollen sie sein. Schon die alten Griechen und Römer verwendeten Heidelbeeren als Heilmittel gegen Darmerkrankungen. Im Mittelalter entdeckte Hildegard von Bingen den Wert der blauen Waldfrüchte als Heilpflanze wieder. Sie nutzte getrocknete Heidelbeeren als Kompresse zur Wundheilung. (more…)

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