Sex Therapy: What Men and Women Should Know

Description:Sex therapy is a type of psychotherapy that’s specializing in solving causes of sexual dysfunction such as stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma from bad past sexual experiences. Sex therapy is a continuous process, and the success depends on one’s commitment and the efforts they apply towards achieving their goals. 

Life is full of challenges, and learning how to deal with them is the greatest thing we can always do to ourselves. One of the significant challenges we face in life today, for instance, is sexual dysfunction. Sexual dysfunction is a collective term that refers to a wide range of sex-related problems. One of the best ways of managing sexual dysfunction is the use of sex therapy.

Examples of sexual dysfunction include low or extremely high libido, erectile dysfunction, weak circulation, and premature ejaculation. Other common examples are lack of sex desire, unresponsiveness to sexual stimulus, and inability to experience orgasms.

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In this piece, we’ve explained in detail everything you may want to know about sex therapy. Our concepts are based on proven expert sex reviews to give you the best information in as far as sex education is concerned. 

But First…………

What is Sex Therapy?

Sex therapy is a form of talk therapy that’s aimed at solving all kinds of sexual dysfunction. The treatment concentrates on doing away with contributing factors such as anxiety, depression, physical deformity, and trauma due to bad past sexual experiences.

It’s a gradual process, and therefore, takes a tremendous amount of time and effort to materialize. This is why you need patience and total commitment if you would like to see good results. But even so, the impacts of sex therapy will always be amazing and worth all the sacrifices you shall have made.

How Does Sex Therapy Work?

This is probably one of the most common questions that many people usually ask. And sincerely, you may also have been wondering about what the whole thing entails. Some people believe that a sex therapy session involves taking off clothes and even engaging in some sexual activity. Some also think that the therapist may somehow take sides with one of the partners involved. 

Well, the good news is that this has never been the case, so we’d like to assure you that the truth is a very different thing. The steps below summarize how sex therapy works to help couples wondering how to boost sex drive.

Sex Therapy Process

  • The whole process starts by you identifying a dysfunction that’s interfering with your sexual life. The problem could be personal or something that’s affecting both of you. For personal sexual issues, we would advise you first to visit the therapist alone. So, depending on what the therapist shall have recommended, you may want to involve your partner for better and long-lasting results. 
  • The next thing is to visit your preferred therapist to agree on the terms and come up with the best treatment plan. It’s on the first visit, where you’ll even schedule the appointments for subsequent visits.
  • The therapy is performed in sessions in which you share your problems with the therapist. You’ll tell them how you feel, and then they’ll help you with suggestions on what best you can do to achieve your goals. 
  • During your subsequent visits, the sex therapist will be asking you about the effectiveness of the previous sex therapy recommendations. It’s good to be very open and sincere with them because that’s when they can tell whether the sessions have been effective or not.

What impresses many people about sex therapists is their ability to make you share almost anything, even the ones you’d be a little shyer to talk about. 

According to Robinson, a middle-aged man who just got married three years ago, sharing certain intimacy issues with another person could be a really difficult thing to do. But he quickly points out that working with a sex therapist saved him a lot of stress during the second year of their marriage. 

Robinson adds that even though it was hard to talk about the sexual problems he was suffering at home, his therapist’s questions made it happen flawlessly. 

The other very important thing during the family therapy sex process is the series of sex assignments that the therapist will be giving you to go and do at home. Unlike usual class assignments, they’re always very easy and interesting to undertake, so you’ll really love to do them. 

How to Find a Therapist for your Sex Therapy Needs

There are many options you can use to get a good sex therapy expert. For example, you can ask your family doctor, hospital, or close friends for referrals. They might have experienced similar problems, and they definitely know of someone who could help. If you’re in the US and neighboring countries, then the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors & Therapists (AASECT)is the place to search for one. Alternatively, you can also get a sex therapy doctor by visiting Psychology Today website and then finding therapists in your area. 

Sex therapy is one of the key factors in solving sexual dysfunction related problems such as lack of sex in a relationship. If you play your cards right, then excellent and long-lived results shall be awaiting you. So, do you still have any burning questions regarding sex therapy? Please share it with us in the comments section.

Author’s Bio:

Alice Jones is a certified sexologist and psychologist. Through online sessions she helps couples to deal with the issues they are facing in their relationship and sexual life. In her freetime she enjoys writing and spending time with her family.

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