How Long is Rehab for Alcohol Addiction

Choosing the correct alcohol treatment center is not an easy task. Whether you are looking for alcohol addiction treatment for yourself or your loved ones, there are particular things to keep in mind while deciding on an alcohol addiction treatment program.

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Alcohol rehabilitation is the only way that an individual who is struggling with addiction can get assistance. Numerous rehab centers worldwide offer programs to treat alcoholism, despite how long the condition has been present. Although, alcohol treatment programs consider many factors, including a person’s age and gender and the length of the addiction. Let’s discuss all alcoholism, its treatment options and see how long the rehab is for alcohol addiction.

Who is Affected by Alcohol Dependency?

Alcoholism is a severe disease that affects billions of people. Problems with alcohol can range from spree drinking and driving while impaired to extreme health conditions such as mental and physical dependency. Affirming to the national institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism, more than 15 million adults had an alcohol use disorder in 2015. On the other hand, when a person struggling with long-term alcohol abuse quits drinking, they might experience the shakes from drinking alcohol.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment Options:

The alcohol treatment options can vary based on the individual. There are various treatment options available that target the harshness of the disease, hidden mental health issues, and the span of the alcohol abuse or dependency. Mentioned below are some of the parts that the addiction treatment program involves-

  • Detoxification-

Most of the time, it is necessary for a person to detox before starting the treatment for alcohol use. Detox is generally offered as a part of inpatient treatment options. It is the primary step in an ongoing alcohol recovery plan, and it can take from days to months.

  • Residential treatment-

The residential treatment usually lasts from 30 days to six months. The treatment option facility offers those struggling with alcohol abuse the chance to focus on recovery entirely. With continual monitoring and supervision, an individual can be free from alcohol-related triggers and have regular support. However, some of the facilities offer residential treatment programs for up to one year or even more.

  • Traditional outpatient treatment-

It is an option that may be used as a growing step after inpatient treatment. Or the traditional outpatient treatment option can be the first step for those with a less severe alcohol problem. However, this type of rehabilitation program supports a person living at home and going to work while performing the treatment plan. The outpatient therapy can last an average of six months to a year entirely and then serve as a part of an ongoing recovery plan.

  • Therapeutic communities-

The therapeutic communities can be critical in helping a person recover. Some of the known TCs include Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. These communities grant consistent support to those seeking help with recovery. However, many of the programs need at least six months of participation, or it can last up to two years.

The length of Rehabilitation:

While considering whether to enter into an alcohol rehabilitation program, one of the primary questions that arise in many people’s minds is- how long will the treatment last? Though it can be a tough question to answer since the alcohol rehab treatment varies from person to person. No two people can have the same treatment program, and different people progress at different rates during recovery. There is no single formula for the treatment because every form of addiction is unique.

However, there are several treatment options to choose from depending on your requirement. But the general length of the rehab program is:

  • 30-day program
  • 60-day program
  • 90-day program
  • Extended programs, like sober living facilities or halfway houses

While choosing a program, you should focus on what will bring you the chance of long-term success. Because of the addiction, individuals need at least three months in treatment to get sober and initiate a plan for continued recovery. However, experts have suggested that the best outcomes occur with a long duration of treatments.

The benefit of getting a 30-day program-

To get started with the treatment, a 30-day program is a great way. You may not know how long you will need to stay in the treatment, so this can provide you with the awareness of whether you should continue into a more extended treatment program or not. A 30-day program offers you time to get through the physical withdrawal symptoms, and you may have to start establishing worsening prevention techniques.

The benefit of getting a 60-day program-

The 60-day program offers the benefit of additional time and support throughout the treatment. In this program, the individual gets the time to detox from alcohol, and various therapy sessions are also offered.

The program provides time to detox from alcohol and practice healthy habits to help maintain sobriety.

The benefit of getting a 90-day program-

A 90-day program might seem frightening initially, but more extended treatment has the support and higher possibilities to maintain self-restraint during recovery, as discussed above.

In this program, the individual will go through intake and evaluation, detox, therapy, self-help groups, and set up an after-care plan. The program allows you enough time to get adjusted to life without alcohol. During this program, one can strengthen your skills in resisting any allurement in the future.

The benefit of getting extended care option-

Even after a 90-day program, sometimes additional care is needed to get involved in a more structured home environment while stabilizing your long-term sobriety. There are other programs available in which one can immerse himself in sober living. However, extended care options provide extra support and structure to learn to succeed with the skills gained during the program.


Getting out of any addiction is necessary, and Rehabilitation is the most helpful way to get out of it. Rehabilitation programs help an addictive person get away from their addiction and go back to everyday life. However, the rehab program periods vary depending on the individual needs as no two persons are the same, so their treatment options and period will be different.

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