Explore the Chief Reasons to Use Instagram Analytics for Boosting Your Marketing Strategy

Instagram Analytics could be an immensely powerful marketing platform for your brand. The 100 percent potential of Instagram analytics could actually be reached if they are used effectively and are consciously made an instinctive and integral part of your marketing and promotion strategy. Here are the most important reasons to track your Instagram analytics on a regular basis.

Analytics Are the Best Way of Knowing Your Community

Image credit: coffeebeanworks (Source: Pixabay)

Image credit: coffeebeanworks (Source: Pixabay)

Instagram analytics allow you to actually keep consistent track of your lost and gained followers during a certain specified period of time. Instagram analytics using Iconosquare would help you to identify your top followers, latest followers gained, latest followers lost, etc. It could be very important and interesting for you to know precisely the followers you have gained and also, who are the followers who have stopped supporting your brand. Once you have this information, you could compare it with the kinds of content that you had posted and try to find the connection between your community growth and your content. It is actually possible to evaluate your potential reach by dissecting your community structure. You could get a closer look at your followers by tracking their geographic location. This could be an effective factor that could tell you if your followers are local or they are from multiple locations. Moreover, you must keep track of the follower days and follower hours as well.

As per research you must know the following facts about your followers using Instagram Analytics.

Top locations: This information allows you to see the top five cities and countries where your followers are located.

Age range: How old are your followers? This is an easy way to find out. Instagram breaks it down with the following ranges: 13-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, and 65+.

Gender: The distribution of your followers separated by men and women.”

Moreover, there are effective analytics tools that help you to identify the people you are following but they are not following you back. This piece of information could prove to be vital for a brand to effectively visualize the people that are instrumental in their growth. You could accordingly decide to unfollow people who are not helping you to boost your growth.

Analytics Are Great for Tracking Your Engagement Progress

You could effectively track the real Instagram likes or the Love Rate, comments or the Talk Rate, and percentage of engagement or the engagement rate with the help of effective Instagram analytic tools. You must keep in mind that your actual progress or growth in Instagram could be measured chiefly by your actual follower growth and a boost in engagement rate. So you must not forget to track your engagement rate and give it the top priority.

Analytics Help You to Visualize Your Brand’s Growth

As mentioned above, your follower growth is your main progress indicator. Although a huge number of followers don’t essentially mean a great Instagram account, a large and constantly growing number of followers added to a great engagement rate do. Use this tool on Iconosquare to envisage your follower expansion over a selected period of time.


Instagram has an effective and helpful built-in analytics to help you in tracking your progress on the platform. However, there are some competent Instagram analytics tools too that you could utilize for getting quick insights. Instagram analytics help you to know your precise target audience, their interests and learn effective ways to serve them better with brilliant and new content. With the help of analytics, you could not only gain quick insights, but you could take proactive steps and update your entire marketing strategy and campaign for growing faster.

*Author Bio: Karen is a Business Tech Analyst. She is very responsible towards her job. She loves to share her knowledge and experience with her friends and colleagues.

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