Category Archives: Environment

Mr. Splashy Pants & his friends

He is a humpback whale tracked via satellite by Greenpeace in an effort to protect him and his friends from harpooning mainly from the Japanese whale hunters. Humpbacks are migratory who travel thousands of kilometers from their feeding grounds in the Southern Ocean (Polar waters) to the tropical South Pacific for breeding and calving in Winter. (more…)

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Desertec – electricity and fresh water

Solar power ‘Desertec’ – a project backed by the Jordanian Prince Hassan bin Talal, is aimed to use the deserts along the coast of northern Africa and some Middle East countries, to capture the Sun’s rays and to use this solar power for two distinct increasing demands – power generation and freshwater. Guardian reports about the scheme on its Sunday online edition.


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Greenpeace’s Apple test

After Greenpeace published a report “Missed call: the iPhone’s hazarsoud chemicals” where Greenpeace investigation found two hazardous compounds, brominated flame retardants (BFR) and headphones containing PVC with Phthalates level over 1.5% by weight, much criticism could be seen on YouTube’s page showing the video. BFRs are very effective against fire and used widely in electronics, clothes and furniture from taking fire. Phthalates are toxic and can interfere with sexual development in mammals, means Phthalates are harmful for reproductive system.


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