Bloggers’s World

Blogging is rather a new revolution on www. It could be a personal diary – an online diary where anyone has access and can participate with the blogger. But it has already turned into a new dimension – “Blogging makes money”. Doshdosh, JohnChow (the dot com Mogul), Michael Arrington’s Techcrunch and a lot more are shining in the road making money. They simply turned their writings to offer information for people. We go to internet either looking for information or entertainment (youtube a great entertaining site). The amazing thing about this new evolution is just around 10 years old, but took breathe almost from everyone surfing net. Hardly there could be found someone who uses internet but does not belong to any bolg community or does blogging himself.  This has made the world even more closer, people interacting with each other from any corners on the planet. That’s a new generation e-living. While Google offers a platform, but WordPress is the best – Excellent and Marvellous. The latest version 2.3 is a super advancement here. Easy to use and designing of the layout. Plenty of themes made it very attractive indeed. We are proudly on WP v. 2.3 

Many green blogs to mention. Greenpeace is one of best. According to Wiki, as of September 2007, blog search engine Technorati was tracking more than 106 million blogs. We are proud to be one them!! 

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