Wikia will change the rhythm of ‘Search’ – TCQP

Founder of Wikipedia and Wikia, Jimmy Wales, in a message yesterday announced that Wikia Search will change the dominance of any proprietary engines and make ‘search’, the basic internet culture, transparent and independent of any faction.

According to the message the search algorithm currently used is broken. Reasons ?

  • Lack of freedom,
  • Lack of community,
  • Lack of accountability, and
  • Lack of transparency.

The Search Wikia Labs is commited to building a new open global search engine based on the following principles (TCQP):

  • Transparency,
  • Community,
  • Quality, and
  • Privacy.

If it goes as is said, certainly Wikia will take the lead among search engines. Quality mentioned should correspond to professionalism. Because people would like to get the best out of their search, if they will not find what they look for, they will switch back to the old machines.

It’s not easy to maintain a good quality when it’s open for all. Wikia needs to look after this point carefully. Participation form every corner should be welcomed but only the potential contribution should get the right value to be accredited.

Good luck Wikia!!!

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