Tag Archives: zoroaster

Interview with Sascha Gätzschmann: ‚My Baha’i Faith’

Q: You were Catholic, then you became a Baha’i. Will you please tell us what encouraged you to do it?

Sascha: There is one religion of God, which is renewed in every age according to the needs of the time. God´s plan unfolds by unique and holy Persons – the Manifestations of God or Prophets of God. They work hand in hand. Among these Manifestions of God are Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaster, Abraham, Moses, Christ, Muhammad, the Báb and of course Bahá´u´lláh, whose teaching of the unity of mankind attracted me from the start. I became a Baha’i, as I understood that Bahá´u´lláh´s message is divine and that the same spirit that animated Jesus Christ also animated Bahá´u´lláh. Through the teachings of Bahá´u´lláh I understood that the Prophets are all one and that the teachings of Christ applied to a certain time. The teachings of Bahá´u´lláh are directed to the needs of humanity today. I am happy to work with many people – may they be Bahais or not – for the old dream of a unified and happy mankind. (more…)

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