Tag Archives: personalized chocolates

Top 10 Gift Ideas for Your Best Friend on Their Wedding

Your best friend’s wedding is probably one of the most awaited moments of your life. There is joy in the air, mixed with plentiful of emotions that might be giving you butterflies in your stomach. It is the time when you would want to shower your best friend with love, blessings, and not to forget, a unique gift that holds a special meaning to them and also, to you. (more…)

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Hitliste der Umweltchemikalien

Wie gefährlich sind Umweltchemikalien und wie beeinflussen sie unsere Gesundheit? Die Innsbrucker Pharmazeutin Daniela Schuster entwickelt in einem Projekt des Wissenschaftsfonds FWF ein computerbasiertes „Frühwarnsystem“ für gefährliche Substanzen. (more…)

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