Tag Archives: leoligin

Labo­rato­rium der Natur

Ob als Tee, Auszug oder Salbe – Pflanzen spielen in der Volksmedizin eine wichtige Rolle. Innsbrucker Pharmazeutinnen und Pharmazeuten nutzen dieses Wissen und versuchen, im Rahmen eines nationalen Forschungsnetzwerkes neue Wirkstoffkandidaten gegen Entzündungen zu finden. (more…)

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Exeter scientist reveals secrets of Scotland’s basking sharks in new report

Seas between the islands of Skye and Mull on Scotland’s west coast are highly important for basking sharks, according to a report published by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH).

Each year large numbers of basking sharks are seen in an area of the Sea of the Hebrides which is currently being assessed as part of the Scottish Marine Protected Areas Project.

The report sets out findings from the first two years of a project which aims to reveal some of the mysteries surrounding the world’s second largest fish. The project is a joint venture between SNH and the University of Exeter, and is the first known to use satellite tagging technology to track the near real-time movements of basking sharks. (more…)

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