Tag Archives: gerrit gonschorek

Öffentliche Gelder als Wahlkampfinstrument

Einer Studie zufolge vergibt die Regierung in Indonesien Finanzmittel an die Distrikte nach politischen Gesichtspunkten

Wie verteilt die zentrale Regierung in Indonesien öffentliche Gelder auf die Kommunen, und welche Aspekte spielen dabei eine Rolle? Diese Fragen haben die Ökonomen Prof. Dr. Günter G. Schulze, Gerrit Gonschorek und Bambang Suharnoko Sjahrir von der Universität Freiburg anhand einer einzigartigen Datensammlung aus mehr als 400 indonesischen Bezirken für die Jahre 2005 bis 2013 untersucht. (more…)

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Drug tests on mothers’ hair links recreational drug use to birth defects

Drug tests on 517 mothers in English inner city hospitals found that nearly 15% had taken recreational drugs during pregnancy and that mothers of babies with birth defects of the brain were significantly more likely to have taken drugs than mothers with normal babies. The study found no significant links between recreational drug use and any other type of birth defect.

The study was led by a team of UCL researchers co-ordinating data collection from hospitals across London, Bristol and Birmingham and the results are published in the journal PLOS ONE. The study included 213 women whose baby had a type of birth defect with potential links to recreational drug use, 143 women whose baby had a birth defect with no previously reported links to drug use and 161 women whose baby was normally formed. (more…)

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