Tag Archives: entsorgungssystem

Erde am Limit

150 bis 200 Millionen Tonnen Plastik treiben in den Meeren. Martin Stuchtey, Professor für nachhaltiges Ressourcenmanagement, beschäftigt sich mit Maßnahmen, um weitere Anhäufungen des Materials zu minimieren. Da das Einwegkonzept von Plastik an seine Grenzen stößt, müssen neue Möglichkeiten der Verwendung und Entsorgung nach der Nutzungsphase entwickelt werden. (more…)

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Sustainable, sharing communities explored in Karen Litfin’s book ‘Ecovillages’

Karen Litfin is a University of Washington associate professor of political science and author of the book “Ecovillages: Lessons for Sustainable Community.” She answered a few questions about the book, and her work, for UW Today.

Q: What is the main message of “Ecovillages”?

A: After teaching global environmental politics for two decades and watching planetary conditions deteriorate, I grew disenchanted with top-down solutions. I also grew tired of making my students anxious, depressed and guilt-ridden. If our ways of living are unraveling planetary life-support systems, then we must answer the question: How, then, shall we live? (more…)

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