Tag Archives: elmar dolezal

Schalter umlegen, Tumorentwicklung stoppen

Freiburger Forscher zeigen, wie ein Protein die unkontrollierte Ausbreitung von Abwehrzellen verhindert

Das menschliche Immunsystem besteht aus Millionen von einzelnen Zellen, die täglich im Knochenmark aus Vorläuferzellen produziert werden. Während ihrer Entwicklung expandieren die Immunzellen und differenzieren sich dann zu reifen Lymphozyten – Abwehrzellen, die Fremdstoffe erkennen und beseitigen. (more…)

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Eye movements reveal difference between love and lust

Soul singer Betty Everett once proclaimed, “If you want to know if he loves you so, it’s in his kiss.” But a new study by University of Chicago researchers suggests the difference between love and lust might be in the eyes after all.

Specifically, where your date looks at you could indicate whether love or lust is in the cards. The new study found that eye patterns concentrate on a stranger’s face if the viewer sees that person as a potential partner in romantic love, but the viewer gazes more at the other person’s body if he or she is feeling sexual desire. That automatic judgment can occur in as little as half a second, producing different gaze patterns. (more…)

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