Tag Archives: digital natives

Dynamisch und flexibel – So arbeiten wir heute

Flexible Arbeitszeiten, das Verschwimmen von Grenzen zwischen Beruf und Privatleben oder die Erwartung einer ständigen Erreichbarkeit am Smartphone sowie per Mail – das sind nur einige Faktoren, die Arbeitende in unserer Gesellschaft nur zu gut kennen. Jürgen Glaser, Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologe, versucht Strukturen in der Arbeitswelt zu verbessern. (more…)

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Back to School: Are Teachers Equipped to Teach ‘Digital Natives’?

*Many teachers are using Microsoft tools and training to help prepare their students for the future, and are encouraging their peers to embrace using the technology that students are growing up with.* 

REDMOND, Wash., Aug. 16, 2010 Educators are preparing to go back to school, and they’re starting to do so with more than pencils and books. The “digital natives” that fill their classrooms are restless, and teachers are altering their curricula to keep those students engaged and prepared for the future. Microsoft wants to help. 

Digital natives are people who have had access to digital technology for most of their lives—in other words, most of today’s school children.


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