Tag Archives: ai ping hu

Tarzan Robot Swings on Cables to Monitor Crops in the Field

A two-armed robot named Tarzan, swinging along elevated cables, could allow farmers to monitor fields continuously at lower cost while avoiding interference with plants.  

Swinging – or brachiation – is an energy-efficient way to travel because gravity is doing most of the work,” said Ai-Ping Hu, a senior research engineer at the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI). The lightweight robot has aluminum arms and 3D-printed hands with sensors. The eight-pound robot swings back and forth with one hand on the cable, gaining momentum until its second hand detects the cable overhead and grips it. This swinging motion replicates a gibbon’s movement along a tree limb or vine.  (more…)

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Easy Guider: Intuitive Visual Control Provides Faster Remote Operation of Robots

Using a novel method of integrating video technology and familiar control devices, a research team from Georgia Tech and the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) is developing a technique to simplify remote control of robotic devices.

The researchers’ aim is to enhance a human operator’s ability to perform precise tasks using a multi-jointed robotic device such as an articulated mechanical arm. The new approach has been shown to be easier and faster than older methods, especially when the robot is controlled by an operator who is watching it in a video monitor. (more…)

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