comScore Introduces Digital GRP “Overnights” in AdEffx™ Campaign Essentials

*New Capabilities Offer Daily Campaign Reporting for On-The-Fly Digital Campaign Performance Management and Optimization* 

RESTON, VA, September 27, 2010 – comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today announced the introduction of the second generation of comScore AdEffx™ Campaign Essentials. The new service features several groundbreaking enhancements for digital media planning and optimization, including the availability of digital GRP “overnights,” campaign reporting across global markets, verification of ad delivery by audience and geography, and detailed campaign analysis by creative and placement strategy.

“The new comScore AdEffx Campaign Essentials service offers greater reporting efficiency, granularity, and flexibility than has previously been available,” said Anne Hunter, comScore vice president of Advertising Effectiveness Solutions. “As the digital media planning environment becomes increasingly global and real-time, it has never been more important to be able to optimize campaigns, verify who is seeing them, and to be able to course-correct and retool on the fly if the media plan is not being executed effectively. Campaign Essentials enables our clients to do exactly that, and represents an innovation that will be critical in helping brand advertisers optimize the value of their digital campaigns and further accelerate the shift of ad dollars online.” 

Digital GRP “Overnights” 

The Campaign Essentials service is evolving from its existing reporting of campaign-specific audience reach, frequency and GRPs on a total campaign period basis to delivering digital GRP “overnights,” which enables media planners to understand campaign performance in a real-time environment and retool their campaigns on the fly. It will benefit publishers by giving them the ability to closely monitor campaigns to ensure they’re delivering against the reach and frequency targets as mandated by the media buyers. 

“The days of stepping awkwardly between digital and traditional ad platforms are over,” said Matt Timothy, President of VINDICO. “comScore has taken a big step in leveling the playing field for marketers. By offering views of digital performance that have long been the standard in the TV business, any buyer should be supremely confident about allocating dollars to the platform where the most valuable attention can be found.” 

Audience, Frequency & Geographic Verification 

Even the best planned campaigns can fail to reach their intended audience targets, and as websites attract a greater share of their audience from outside a single country’s borders, it is essential to verify that the correct audiences are being reached. Campaign Essentials enables media planners to ensure that their campaign is delivering its ads to its intended targets, and to optimize their strategy accordingly if they are not. 

Too often campaigns deliver erratically to consumers, with many people only seeing the advertisements one to three times and a smaller group of people consuming the majority of ads and budget. Campaign Essentials allows clients to understand their frequency curves right away to ensure budgets are being allocated effectively and frequency caps are being enforced. 

“In our business, knowledge is power,” said David Cohen, EVP, U.S. Director of Digital Communications, Universal McCann. “Daily intelligence from tools like Campaign Essentials can be a very powerful asset for marketers looking to maximize results and minimize waste. With demographic and geographic insights delivered throughout the flight, we are excited at the prospects and eager to start working with this new tool in our toolkit.” 

Built-in Customization by Creative and Placement Strategy 

Campaign Essentials also offers clients the ability to conduct detailed campaign analysis and understand performance by reach, frequency and GRPs according to the different sites, creative and placement strategies used in the campaign. With a built-in optimization dashboard clients can easily find the best performing sites for a particular campaign. They can also understand how ads were delivered according to the different placement strategies used – such as audience targeting, contextual targeting, premium pricing, efficiency pricing, run-of-network, and retargeting – and how they are performing in relation to one another. Additional flexibility has already been built into the system to allow marketers to ask new questions during the campaign without conducting time-consuming custom analysis. 

For more information about comScore AdEffx Campaign Essentials, please email  

*Source: comScore

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