
Turban, Machine gun, Obama and Osama

American flag is in the fireplace – burning, not the portrait of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson or Abraham Lincoln – it’s one of the world’s top known figure Bin Laden – Laden’s portrait is hanging from the wall, Michelle Obama looks like on her way to Jihad (against whom??) and the turban-wearing (Muslim) Senator Obama giving her wife a huge feedback. Is there anything missing? May be not, but this cartoon was the Sunday cover illustration of the New Yorker magazine.


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Solar energy – new tech, low cost

The idea is simple. Sunrays will hit the painted glass, the dyes will capture (absorb) the rays and will bounce it out to the edges of the glass where the tiny solar cells await the supply. And the house or factory owners are happy as they will not bear any bad name as carbon dioxide emitters. 🙂


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Yahoo! BOSS, (no new face) but a new platform

As Yahoo! will let developers to customize its web search, developers will get the possibility to dive deep into Yahoo!’s search technology. 

This is the second approach of the Sunnyvale, California based company to more popularize its search technology development. Preceding this move, Yahoo! introduced ‘SearchMonkey’ that lets developers and site owners to customize how the searches would appear on their sites.


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Apology and view

U.S President Bush met his friend and allay Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi in mid June while he was on Euro Tour. However, the biography distributed by the White House at the G8 Summit in Japan, labelled Berlusconi as one of the ‘most controversial leaders’ and Italy as very corrupted country. 🙂


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Hair power, but if you don’t have….

Hair is not only part of our beauty, it posses some extraordinary power as well.

Let’s look at the ‘hair power’ of Rani Manchi. She could pull a whole truck with her hair. However she was driven by a passion + a strong will power to prove her feat as record breaker.


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