Do animals sense natural events?

Were these natural warning of an impending earthquake in the mountainous Sichuan province in China – there is much news coming out now, something that could look like superstitions. As the news emerges, three days before the earthquake thousands of toads appeared on the streets on Mianzhu city or hours before the unusual behaviour of lions, zebras and other animals at the zoo in Wuhan. What the human perception could not catch, animals could!!

In highly advanced modern societies predictions from animal behaviour look like childhood’s fairy tales. But it works. Stories from the tsunamis in 2004 have similar pattern of animal behaviour. Animal casualties were minimal as they could sense the approaching waves and escaped to higher grounds. Animal’s extra sensory perceptions are higher than humans, it’s not a myth anymore, it’s a fact. That’s why there are many researches are going on last 50 years. 

But China’s seismological authority dismissed such speculations. According to China Daily after top scientists from the department, ‘perceptions can not simply be based on the movement of animals’. It must be quantified. Scientific predictions need solid evidence not any superstitious tales. And predicting an earthquake is much more tougher job. 

But it’s all colliding together. Animal’s behaviour is not any coincident. It has meanings. We have to take it into consideration but how far that can be argued. A black cat crossing the road before your easy while you are on your way to work does not necessarily mean something bad is going to happen. But may be we can act more consciously on that day to avoid any injury or loss.

So what do we conclude now?…………….nothing. There is a ‘may … be’.



Other News Sources: U.S News,

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