Tag Archives: cereal

6 Daily Routine Changes to Help You Lose Weight

Weight loss isn’t easy, if it was everyone would be at their healthy goal weight but there is a reason why many countries are finding themselves topping the weight charts. A lot of people don’t have the time and the money to take care of themselves. So here are 6 small changes you can make to your daily routine that will help you drop a few pounds:

Drink more water: Skip the sodas and fruit juices that are full of sugar and opt for water. Water is so good for you and most adults are unaware that they are dehydrated. A good way to always keep yourself drinking water is to have a water bottle with a sports cap with you at all times. This will keep you drinking more and faster than having to fill up a cup of water.

Walk: To increase your daily exercise, try walking everywhere. If you need to run to the store and it’s within walking distance, go. Or if you are at work, take the stairs and not the elevator. Take 30 minutes out of your day to walk around your neighborhood. It is a great way to burn calories and get rid of stress. (more…)

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Researchers Determine Vitamin D Blood Level for Reducing Major Medical Risks in Older Adults

In testing older patients’ blood vitamin D levels, there’s uncertainty about where the dividing line falls between enough and not enough. The threshold amount has become controversial as several scientific societies set different targets.

To help resolve this debate, University of Washington researchers conducted an observational study. They wanted to learn how much vitamin D must be circulating in the blood to lower the risk of a major medical event. This category included heart attack, hip fracture, diagnosis of cancer, or death. (more…)

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