Blog Post Image: Kohle vor Elyseepalast: Deutschland und Frankreich müssen Energiewende ausbauen

Kohle und Atomkraft blockieren die Energiewende. Schluss damit, fordern Greenpeace-Aktivisten in Paris. Image copyright: © Pierre Baëlen / Greenpeace

Greenpeace activists dump 5 tons of coal, deliver 2 watertanks containing 2000 liters of nuclear contaminated water in front of the entrance of l’Elysée, french presidential palais, ahead of a Franco German summit today. Greenpeace activists hold banners reading “Energy Transition Now !” and t-shirts with the message in german “Frau Merkel, kohle und atom stoppen, erneuerbare starken” Greenpeace asks Merkel and Hollande to engage energy transition now, to stop coal and nukes and to commit to 45% renewables for Europe in 2030.

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