Starting with Bundesliga, Germany is coming back to normality

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Starting with Bundesliga, Germany is coming back to normality

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Bundesliga starts today. It's the 'Federal League' if you translate it into English, also known as 1. Bundesliga.

It's the first division of professional football league in Germany. Your favorite FC Bayern München with their star players rocks the stadium in this league.

Beginning of this football clubs championship is a sign of easing stresses from current Corona pandemic. Germany is coming to normailty but step by step.

Supermarkets were always open even during the strict lockdown time. Now small shops started to open again. More people are coming outside but with masks as preventive measure. Germany had more success fighting the Covid-19 than many other European countries.

Another important development in Germany is the coronavirus reproduction number (R) that stands below 1 currently. If R would be 1, that will mean each infected person can infect one other person.

By the way, fans are not allowed to crowd the stadiums during Bundesliga. They have to feed their appetite watching games live on TV. Only players, tv stuffs, security personnel and other related officilas will be present in the stadiums.

Officila website:
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