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Files created while exporting data as ‘shapefile’ in ArcGIS

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:03 pm
by Admin
When you export any data, by right clicking on respective layer, as shapefile (Data > Export Data…), it creates files with the following extensions. Let’s say we exported our data (name - ‘MyData’) as shapefile, then it will create the following files:

MyData.dbf (dbf- Shapefile attribute table file)
MyData.prj (prj- projections definition file)
MyData.sbn (sbn- spatial index for read-write shapefiles)
MyData.sbx (sbx- spatial index for read-write shapefiles)
MyData.shp (shp- Shapefile (stores feature geometry))
MyData.shx (shx- Shapefile (stores file lookup index)).

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 9:46 am
by kkakaaiko
Und was konnen wir mit diesen Dataien, die du uns geschikt hast, machen?

Schüco corona -,p15