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How to fix broken links in ArcGIS 9.1 (and 9.2, or 9.3)

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:22 pm
by Admin
If in ArcMap any of the data layers shows a red exclamation marks next to it (e.g. like the image below), then it means a broken link for that layer, i.e. the data source referenced by the layer is missing for some reasons.


However, it’s quite easy to fix the problem.

Click the layer to select it, then right click the mouse. Go to ‘properties’.

‘Layer Properties’ window will open. Click the ‘source’ tab. Then click on ‘Set Data Source’.


Now navigate to the folder containing the source file(s). Click ‘Add’, then click on ‘OK’ on the ‘Layer Properties’ dialogue box. You are done. The link is fixed again.

Alternatively, you can fix the broken links problems from ArcCatalog as well.

Click on the .mxd file, right click the mouse and click on ‘Set Data Source(s)…’. The following ‘Set Data Sources’ window will open.


Click on your layer, and under ‘New Data Source’ (click the small rectangular box in the circle) you can reset your link. It’s that easy.

Have fun :) .