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Lebanon's religious diversity is unique in the Middle East, having 50% of its population are Muslims, rest 45% mainly Christians. Muslims are either Sunni or Shia (50:50), Christians are majority Maronites, then Greek Orthodox, Catholic or Protestant. Next comes the Druze, about 5%.

Lebanon has other religious groups but in a very small number. So one can see how diverse the country is, with regards to religious faiths.

This diverstiy is a treasure trove: cultures, languages, ethnic histories and more. But it can be a trouble too: that what is affecting Lebanon's current political field.

Diversity in religion brought diverse players here. It's crucial to bring these players together aslike in a peace talk.

Since the explosion on 4 August 2020 in Beirut port, Lebanon is in turmoil. The Lebanese government of Hassan Diab collapsed. French President Emmanuel Macron tried to restore political stability mediating Moustapha Adib as the new prime minister, but Mr. Adib, former Lebanese ambassador to Germany, resigned. Reason: significant differences among parties forming the new government.

But the country urgently needs to form the vital political system. Here the players outside Lebanon can contribute to form the new government distributing positions acceptable to all parties. France alone can't solve the crisis. It will persist otherwise.

Mr. Macron needs two heavyweights from the region on his two sides: Iran and Saudi Arabia. Together they can help stabilize the country where people are suffering for decades. This can also open a way for the Saudis and Iranians to start talking with each other about their differences on other issues in the region. Lebanon can be a starting point for peace process in the whole region alongside forming the new government in Beirut.

Paris and Beirut both can host the meetings. Sometimes in Beirut, sometimes in Paris. A changing environment can change the mood as well.

Good luck Mr. Macron, good luck Lebanon.
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