Coronavirus, Bitter Reality, a Good Captain and Globalization

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Coronavirus, Bitter Reality, a Good Captain and Globalization

Post by Admin »

Since the outbreak, COVID-19 has infected about 1.7 million people globally causing more than 100,000 deaths. Badly hit are USA, Italy, Spain, France, UK. Then comes China, Iran, Germany, Belgium, and Netherlands.

As of today, although Germany (122,171) has almost double the infection rate than the UK (73,758), but UK's death rate (8958) is more than three times that of Germany (2,736). This will definitely bring the British health care system in question.

With time, it's getting clear US will lead the current pandemic in terms of both infections number and deaths.

It's an irony, but the world has more atom bombs and missiles than ventilators and hospital beds. And these tiny, microscopic enemies now threatening the human cultures with full power. Post-Corona world would look very different than now.

Bitter Reality for Italy

Among the EU countries Italy suffered worst with almost 19,000 deaths. Northern Italy's Lombardy region alone counted more than 10,000 deaths. Unfortunately top EU players like Germany and France did nothing to help Italy at this very difficult time. Italy breathed alone.

To utter surprise, non-EU countries China, Russia and Cuba came forward sending medical equipments and doctors to help Italy. They stood by Italy in this hard time. Whereas a top German News media, die Welt, warned the Angela Merkel Government to be cautious helping Italy: „In Italien wartet die Mafia nur auf einen neuen Geldregen aus Brüssel“ wrote one of its authors Christoph B. Schiltz in an opinion column, which translets into English: „In Italy, the Mafia is just waiting for a new rain of money from Brussels”. Unfortunate.

The good captain lost his job

Captain Brett Elliott Crozier, commanding officer of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt lost his job, as he was 'too naive' asking his navy bosses to do something more for his ship which already had 100 infected cases of COVID-19 onboard. May be he was too concerned to his seemen's health conditions. Eventually his email leaked out to media and a storm blew over the good captain.

Captain Crozier sent email on March 30, next day March 31 it leaked out to media. On April 2, he lost his job. Zack, zack!

Globalization 'side-effect'

We can partly blame China for the current Coronavirus outbreak and China can't deny it. But the pandemic is just the other side of globalization. China is industrial partner to many world-class companies due to its huge but disciplined low-cost labors. Not only the know-hows fly over the oceans from one continent to the other but experts as well. So they bring something with them. This time the virus. It was travelling with those who left from Wuhan and other Chinese cities to outside world last December. That changed the world dramatically within months.

In a high-tech world where people are talking to easily cross over 100 years as a new standard and Elon Musk may be flying to Mars tomorrow morning, we suddenly stopped by an invisible enemy. Free trade, free travelling, free virus spreading. Globalization caused and let it happened to be an open-end breeding ground for Covid-19.

So when it's coming to an end?

Very soon. We all hope.

We all hope, this Era of social distancing and self-isolation will be the shortest in our civilization's record and will end soon.

Stay safe.
Reatha Adaway
Posts: 15
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2019 9:46 am

Re: Coronavirus, Bitter Reality, a Good Captain and Globalization

Post by Reatha Adaway »

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