Text to Columns in Excel: Split Email addresses

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Text to Columns in Excel: Split Email addresses

Post by Admin »

Microsoft Excel's Text to Columns is a powerful feature that can split texts into multiple columns. You find it under Data > Data Tools > Text to Columns . With the keyboard shortcut ALT + A + E you can also access this feature.


In the example below, I will split a list of email address into user names and domain names. It's a three step procedure.

First, select your data set (A2:A10).


Under Data tab > from the Data Tools group click Text to Columns. This will open the Convert Text to Columns Wizard. Look, every wizard has a Data preview window to see how your data is taking new shape :-)

Step 1: select Delimited > click on Next. By default Delimited is always selected.


Step 2: select Other. In the small box next to it enter @. You will see an immediate change in the Data preview window below. Click Next.


Step 3: select cell B2 as your Destination > click Finish.


Your results are now displayed in cell B2.


*Short note: What are delimiters?

Delimiters are characters like commas ( , ), semicolon ( ; ), slashes ( / ) or special signs like @ that separate each field in your data. This example has @ as delimiter, while you will work with texts, you can have commas or spaces as your delimiters (normally :-)).

So, have fun my friends :-)
Sarah Conover
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Sep 06, 2019 5:38 am

Re: Text to Columns in Excel: Split Email addresses

Post by Sarah Conover »

There are the lots of advanced features in Excel and they are the people who require the informative stuff to learn about such tools as well. Trust me I was not known about his feature but after reading that update really happy to have it. Thumb up with your upcoming bestessays.com review wise sharing that would be great.
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