G7 and prospect for a new Iran deal

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G7 and prospect for a new Iran deal

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The G7 meeting in France's Biarritz ended yesterday with new hopes of reviving the 2015's Iran nuclear deal.

French President Emmanuel Macron should get huge credit for inviting Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to the meeting and mediating to start the talk again.

President Trump seemed open to the dialogue from which he withdrew unilaterally in 2018.

Problem is: here in Biarritz Mr. Trump was surrounded by World leaders who would like to pursue the deal as Iran was fully complying with the accord, but when he will return to Washington things may change 180 degrees, as he will be encircled by 'sick and rogue' advisors again, who would jeopardise all the 'good' things Mr. Trump agreed to do right in Biarritz G7 summit.

Some Updates (01. Sept): The following article published on The Atlantic on Aug 29, talks about how a Washington based think tank 'The Foundation for Defense of Democracies' (FDD) is hawkishly pursuing the Trump administration towards policies against Iran.

The Atlantic: Iran’s Enemy du Jour: A Guy Who Runs a Think Tank

The think tank FDD's chief executive Mark Dubowitz wrote in his recent tweet:

"We’re not yet at a Trump-Rouhani meeting — much can happen — but those who predicted that severe sanctions would drive the regime to the table may prove to have been correct. Note to @realDonaldTrump: severe sanctions not premature relief."

So the chief executive is asking President Trump for more severe sanctions against Iran.

Clearly you can see how difficult it is for Mr. Trump to work with Iran for a peaceful solution to the current standoff.
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