Will Narendra Modi turn India into a Majoritarian Hindu State?

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Will Narendra Modi turn India into a Majoritarian Hindu State?

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Results of 2019 Indian general election are out: Prime Minister Narendra Modi's BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) alone won 303 seats. At least 272 seats are required to form a government.

This stunning victory of Hindu nationalism may surprise many, but this 'ethnic rise' may have other tales to tell.

Indian National Congress enjoyed its golden time during late PM Indira Gandhi and her late son Rajiv Gandhi. But either way they established an informal monarchy. The Gandhi dynasty became everything. To imagine India without any of the Gandhi's as PM seemed like an impossibility.

But India is exercising democracry since the first day of her independence from British Empire in 1947. It's a long way back from the current time. People are willing to see democracry and no family business. Mr. Modi's appearance in Indian politics happened exactly at the perfect time. A self-made man: neither any of his family members were high ranking political figures nor he has family or children who would lead the game after his departure like the Gandhis. He is an absolute sole figure. And that made him like a 'Messiah' to millions of Hindus who dream of a corruption-free country and a smooth progress. This belief is the unique driving force behind Mr. Modi's landslide second term victory.

Now will this Messiah turn his country into a total Hindu state?

In reality it may not happen the way many fear. But to a very certain degree, the answer is 'yes'. Mr. Narendra Modi will turn India to a total Hindu state. The election results is a reflection of right-wing extremism that is spreading openly and violently througout the world in the last 10 years. At least during the last 5 years its taking a more consolidating form with supports from root levels in the society. Extremism, better said 'nationalism' is becoming the new identity in many western countries. People have the right to vote and they go for right wing parties.

Mr. Modi's victory is not any exception of this. In diplomatic levels India will talk 'secularism' but at home it will exercise Hindu nationalism. A country with two faces.

So what are the problems with the Gandhis?

Two main problems here: to many Indians they inherited politics and their positions and secondly, they are very corrupt. Rumours say the Gandhis own billions of worth of businesses and in cash. So how they got it? - Easy way to answer it: corruption.

The family name made the Gandhis feel like 'Kings' and 'Queens'. This image developed in such a way, normal people feel these Kings and Queens will live in their luxurious palaces and will not come down on Earth to solve their problems and to move the country forward.

Bad thing is, in today's highly advanced technology world, news or rumours spread faster than the wind reaches from Berlin to Paris. Almost everyone in India has mobile. These small devices play a crucial role for the voters to determine their right person. When they see photos of luxurious life-style of the Gandhis, you know how they feel. They are not one of them but Mr. Modi is.

Other point is, Rahul Gandhi is not charismatic at all like his father Rajiv Gandhi and grandmother Indira Gandhi.

Unless BJP or Mr. Modi makes any grave political mistake, their downfall is unpredictable. If Rahul works hard to make an image of him as modern 'Robinhood' who works for the poor and cares about their country, he may have chances again.

But at current developments, BJP rule can go over the next 20 years without any major hurdle.

So let's wait and see how India transforms into a more radical Hindu country in the next 5 years.
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