It's better to invest in DigiByte(DGB) than in Verge (XVG)

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It's better to invest in DigiByte(DGB) than in Verge (XVG)

Post by Admin »

Investors should be careful before pouring money into cryptocurrencies like Verge (XVG). It's partnership with Porohub simply backfired. Although Verge prides itself having the largest online community, but none of it's community members are porn-addicted. Obviously they won't pay for porn. They are more tech-savy. Although Verge has over 100 vendors who accept payments with XVG, but there's no statistics of how effective are these business partnerships. It seems no one is buying with Verge, even its hyper-active community members. Worst of all, Verge suffered from hacking twice within a short time gap. This is absolutely not possible with DigiByte.

Not only this, DigiByte (DGB) has better organisational structure, and never went under any hacker attack. Now DGB is growing steadily both in price and position in the crypto market.

Another very important thing investors need to consider: Verge is almost exhausted. From its 16 Billion circulation, more than 15 Billion is already in the market, while only 10 Billion DigiByte is currently circulating. Rest 10 Billion will be released in the coming years. So it's very stable and still many more developments to come, whereas Verge is in the market with its full circulation. There's now very little room for Verge to develop anything new.

So investors needs to choose carefully where they would like to put their money. Better there, where you have more security.

This is how I feel, after observing the crypto market over the past 8 months.

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Post by kkakaaiko »

Wieso das ist besser zu investieren Admin? Was ist dort versteckt?

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Post by Admin »

Weil DGB entwickelt sich langsamer aber stabil und keine Hacker Angriff. Porn hat nichts gut gebracht für Verge.
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